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Table 1 Definitions of extracted implementation characteristics

From: Underreporting of implementation strategies and barriers in physical activity interventions for young people at risk of problematic substance use: a brief report

Implementation characteristic


Implementation strategies

Arrangements of techniques that aim to enhance the adoption, implementation, and maintenance of clinical interventions and/or practice [15, 22] and facilitate change within the institutions or organizations in which interventions are implemented [23]

Implementation barriers

Factors obstructing the implementation of interventions [24]

Implementation fidelity

The degree to which an intervention is delivered as intended. High implementation fidelity is critical to the successful translation of evidence-based interventions into practice ([25], p. 1)

Personnel acceptance

Acceptance, intervention-knowledge, attitudes towards or adherence to the intervention among facilitating non-research personnel (i.e., providers) [26]; the extent to which an intervention is being perceived as agreeable, palatable by facilitators [27]