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Table 6 Knowledge user survey: responses about the conceptual Knowledge-activated Tools (KaT) platform

From: Improving KT tools and products: development and evaluation of a framework for creating optimized, Knowledge-activated Tools (KaT)

KaT domain (sub-domain)

Mean (SD) on a 5-point Likert scale

EXPLORE page of the conceptual KaT platform

 It’s important to provide the opportunity for knowledge users to identify their KT purpose

4.79 (0.431)

 I like the idea of selecting options from a series of drop-down menus to generate a KT purpose statement

4.46 (0.624)

 Overall, I like the idea of the conceptual Explore page

4.54 (0.557)

ACTION PLAN page of the conceptual KaT platform

 I like the idea that the Action plan would provide customized information to platform users

4.65 (0.546)

 I would find the table of existing KT tools a useful feature of the KaT platform

4.55 (0.640)

 It’s a good idea to show the quality* rating for each of the suggested KT tools

4.41 (0.743)

 It’s a good idea to show the relevance* rating for each of the suggested KT tools

4.30 (0.776)

 It’s important to provide platform users with an option to develop a new KT tool if they wish

4.32 (0.775)

 It’s important to provide platform users with an option to learn about integrated KT (defined as a process of involving all relevant knowledge users in the broad spectrum of research activities)

4.38 (0.719)

 It’s important to provide platform users with the option to learn about evaluating their KT tool

4.57 (0.606)

 It’s important to provide platform users with the option to learn about the sustainability of their KT tool

4.45 (0.720)

 It’s important to provide platform users with the option to learn about the scalability of their KT tool

4.42 (0.696)


 Based on my current understanding, the KaT platform would be relevant for my work

3.97 (0.793)

 Based on my current understanding, I would use the KaT platform in my work

3.81 (0.835)

 Overall, I like the idea of the KaT platform

4.37 (0.635)

  1. *quality = methodological rigor and validity of the KT tool; relevance = how well the the pupose of the KT tool matches with the KT needs of the user