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Table 2 Independent sample t tests comparing membership conversion rates between organizational characteristics and fidelity checklist awareness and implementation

From: A longitudinal implementation evaluation of a physical activity program for cancer survivors: LIVESTRONG® at the YMCA


Membership conversion rate (M ± SD)

95% CI

p value

Organizational characteristics

Time implementing program (years)

< 0.001

 < 7 years

49.3 ± 31.6

47.6 to 51.0

 > 7 or more years

42.8 ± 29.7

41.0 to 44.6

Association area household income (median)*


 ≤ 47,300

44.3 ± 30.3

42.5 to 46.1

 > $47, 300

48.5 ± 31.4

46.7 to 50.2

Fidelity checklists**

Aware of fidelity checklists



46.6 ± 37.5

37.3 to 56.0


47.5 ± 32.1

44.8 to 50.3

Implemented observational checklist



50.6 ± 1.7

47.2 to 54.0


41.6 ± 30.3

37.2 to 46.0

Implemented goal setting checklist

< 0.001


52.5 ± 1.9

48.7 to 56.3


42.2 ± 30.7

38.4 to 46.0

Implemented functional checklist



50.6 ± 32.4

47.2 to 54.0


40.8 ± 30.4

36.2 to 45.4

Implemented all 3 checklists

< 0.001


54.2 ± 32.3

49.9 to 58.4


42.8 ± 31.2

39.3 to 46.3

  1. P value significant at < 0.05
  2. *Association area median household income was acquired using data from the US Census Bureau
  3. **Fidelity checks only apply to data collected in 2017–2018