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Table 4 Evaluation matrix

From: A mixed methods evaluation of the large-scale implementation of a school- and community-based parenting program to reduce violence against children in Tanzania: a study protocol

Evaluation question

Data source

RQ1: What is the level of program implementation of PLH-Teens at scale in Tanzania in terms of quality of delivery and implementation fidelity?

1) Parenting for Lifelong Health-Facilitator Assessment Tool (PLH-FAT)—measures facilitator competence and adherence

2) Direct observation of group sessions using the structured observation guide

3) Semi-structured interviews held with facilitators, coordinators, coaches, and LIP staff

4) Focus group discussions (FGDs) held with adolescents, parents/caregivers, facilitators, and coaches

RQ2: What factors are associated with the quality of delivery and implementation fidelity of PLH-Teens?


2) Interviews

3) FGDs

4) Community of practice reflective meetings among LIPs, Pact, CWBSA and researchers

5) Facilitator Profile Form examining facilitator demographics including education level, experience, and professional background

6) Coach Profile Form examining coach demographics including education, experience, and professional background

7) LIP Organizational Characteristics Form

8) Direct observation of group sessions using the structured observation guide

RQ3: How are implementation quality and fidelity associated with intervention outcomes?


2) Interviews

3) FGDs

4) Community of practice reflective meetings

5) Facilitator Profile Form

6) Coach Profile Form

7) LIP Organizational Characteristics Form

8) Parent/caregiver- and adolescent-report on pre-post questionnaires

9) Parent/caregiver and adolescent program attendance data

10) Direct observation of group sessions using the structured observation guide

RQ4: What are participant and implementing staff perspectives on the acceptability, appropriateness, feasibility, benefits, and challenges of delivering PLH-Teens in their schools and communities?

1) Interviews with school principals, facilitators, coordinators, coaches, and LIP staff

2) FGDs with adolescents, parents/caregivers, facilitators, and coaches

3) Direct observation of group sessions using the structured observation guide

RQ5: What is the impact of PLH-Teens on VAC and participant well-being?

1) Parent/caregiver- and adolescent-report on pre-post questionnaires

2) Individual interviews with school principals, facilitators, coordinators, coaches, and LIP staff

3) FGDs with adolescents, parents/caregivers, facilitators, and coaches

RQ6: How much does it cost to deliver PLH-Teens at scale?

1) Facilitator cost surveys

2) Facilitator profile surveys

3) Coach cost surveys

4) LIP cost surveys