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Table 7 Structural readiness items by construct, sub-construct and domains

From: Structural readiness to implement community-wide mass drug administration programs for soil-transmitted helminth elimination: results from a three-country hybrid study





Change commitment


I believe that [COUNTRY] needs to interrupt STH transmission.

Policy environment

I have observed that my co-workers generally believe that [COUNTRY] needs to interrupt STH transmission.

Policy environment


I am supportive of implementing community-wide MDA for STH.

Policy environment

I have observed that my co-workers are generally supportive of implementing community-wide MDA for STH.

Policy environment

Ministry of Education personnel that I work with on school or child interventions will likely support transitioning from school-based to community-wide deworming.


In my experience, community drug distributors are given sufficient financial and/or non-financial incentives for administering community-wide MDA.

Financial resources

Outcome expectancy

I believe that community-wide MDA can interrupt STH transmission in [COUNTRY].*

Policy environment

I have observed that my co-workers generally believe that community-wide MDA can interrupt STH transmission in [COUNTRY].

Policy environment

Change efficacy

Task demand

In my experience, community drug distributor supervisors provide good guidance to distributors on how to deliver community-wide MDA.


[Stakeholder level] staff will need additional training to effectively deliver community-wide MDA for STH.

Human resources

Additional supervisors are needed at [stakeholder level] to coordinate the delivery of community-wide MDA for STH.

Human resources

In my experience, personnel at [stakeholder level] have demonstrated that they can deliver other community-wide MDA programmes (ex. lymphatic filariasis) with high coverage.

Technical capacity

Resource availability

How often have you observed difficulties with having enough funding at the National level to support implementation of community-based programmes?

Financial resources

How often do you encounter difficulties with having enough funding at the district level to implement of community-based programmes?

Financial resources

I am not worried about whether [COUNTRY] has sufficient future funding for community-wide MDA programmes.

Financial resources

[COUNTRY] currently has the resources and tools needed to develop high-quality sensitization and education materials for community-wide MDA for STH.

Material resources

In my experience, there is an effective programme in [COUNTRY] for training community drug distributors on how to deliver community-wide MDA.

Technical capacity

I know of at least one community health programme that could be used to deliver community-wide MDA for STH.*

Community delivery-infrastructure

Contextual factors

I have observed that there is a collaborative network of external stakeholders (NGOs or technical/financial partners) that would support community-wide MDA for STH in [COUNTRY].

Policy environment

How often are community members in [COUNTRY] resistant to community-wide MDA campaigns?

Community-delivery infrastructure


Demonstrated capacity

In my experience, [COUNTRY’s] National NTD Master Plan is currently being implemented as intended.

Policy environment

How often have you encountered difficulty moving money across [stakeholder level of the health system] for a community-based programme?

Financial resources

How often have you observed delays in the arrival of drugs for MDA programmes due to supply chain problems?

Material capacity

I have observed that it is challenging to recruit enough community drug distributors needed in [COUNTRY] to deliver community-wide MDA.

Human resources

How often are treatment data incorrectly recorded during delivery of community-wide MDA programmes?

Technical capacity

In my experience, community drug distributors have the skills to effectively deliver community-wide MDA for STH.

Community-delivery infrastructure



It is challenging to present new ideas to my supervisor.


In my experience, when MOH leadership at the National level are presented with new ideas, research activities, or pilot projects, they are generally receptive to them.


How often do your supervisors generally feel comfortable receiving feedback and recommendations from you and your colleagues on how to improve the delivery of interventions?


How often do your subordinates generally feel comfortable providing feedback and recommendations on how to improve the delivery of interventions?


Organizational structure

Leadership structure

In my experience, the NTD programme leadership at the national level is effectively implementing community-wide MDA programmes in [COUNTRY].


In my experience, the NTD programme leadership at the [STATE] level is effectively implementing NTD programmes in [COUNTRY].


In my experience, the NTD programme leadership at the [DISTRICT]l level is effectively implementing NTD programmes in [COUNTRY].


Political structure

In my experience, [COUNTRY] 's national policy for NTD control supports community-wide MDA.

Policy environment

I have observed that [COUNTRY]'s National NTD Master Plan provides sufficient guidance for delivering community-wide MDA programmes, such as lymphatic filariasis (LF).

Policy environment

I have observed that deworming medicines are acquired centrally and re-distributed to local levels without too much difficulty.

Material resources

  1. Likert scale 1–5: 5 being most positive, 1 being most negative. Most response options are coded as 1 (Disagree or Never), 2 (Somewhat disagree or Rarely), 3 (Unsure or Occasionally), 4 (Somewhat agree or Often), and 5 (Agree or Always), with an option of “Not enough information to answer” if necessary. Some response options are necessarily reverse coded.