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Table 2 Quantitative analysis of CRE guideline implementation by CFIR inner setting constructs and open-code responsesa

From: Evaluation of carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) guideline implementation in the Veterans Affairs Medical Centers using the consolidated framework for implementation research

CFIR variables (definitions)

By variable

Total, N (%)

Positive [+], N (%)

Negative [–], N (%)

P value (Fisher’s exact test)


Comparison of screening vs non-screening sites

1. Leadership engagement

Commitment, involvement and accountability of local leaders and managers with the guideline implementation (n = 51)

Not Screening

22 (43.1)

15 (68.2)

7 (31.8)


Sites screening for CRE report more leadership involvement in implementing CRE policies compared to sites not screening for CRE, 100% vs. 68.2%


29 (56.9)

29 (100)

0 (0)

2. Relative priority

CRE is treated as seriously as other health associated infections (n = 42)

Not screening

18 (42.9)

10 (55.6)

8 (44.4)


Sites screening for CRE report CRE is treated as seriously as other HAIs compared to sites not screening for CRE, 91.7% vs. 55.6%


24 (57.1)

22 (91.7)

2 (8.3)

3. Available resources

Money, equipment, testing supplies, training, education, isolation space, staff time, IT support, and previous workarounds to facilitate guideline implementation are available (n = 122)

Not screening

51 (41.8)

23 (45.1)

28 (54.9)

< 0.0001

Sites not screening for CRE report fewer available resources as compared to sites screening for CRE, 81.7% vs. 45.1%


71 (58.2)

58 (81.7)

13 (18.3)

4. CRE reported incidence episodesb

Reported CRE incidence (Y/N) (n = 33)

Not screening

19 (57.6)

1 (5.3)

18 (94.7)


Sites that screen for CRE reported more CRE than sites than non-screening sites, 50% vs. 5.3%


14 (42.4)

7 (50)

7 (50)

Comparison of sites with CRE cases vs. no CRE cases

1. Communication breakdownb

Discussions of team communication or breakdowns (n = 53)


27 (50.9)

27 (100)

0 (0)


VAMCs with no CRE cases report more communication breakdown than sites with any CRE cases, 100% vs. 80.8%


26 (49.1)

21 (80.8)

5 (19.2)

2. Access to knowledge and information

Guideline or training materials (e.g., policies) locally disseminated to relevant stakeholders at each facility (n = 25)


9 (32.1)

8 (88.9)

1 (11.1)


Sites with any CRE cases report better access to knowledge and information than sites with no CRE cases, 88.9 % vs. 36.8%


19 (67.9)

7 (36.8)

12 (63.2)

  1. aFisher’s exact test was used to compare the number of positive vs. negative comments for all CFIR constructs and open codes by screening vs. non-screening sites and any (vs. no) CRE-positive cultures
  2. This table focuses on positive results to assist MPCs in implementing the guideline. For example, responses that endorsed a “lack of resources” as a barrier to implementation efforts were coded “positive” (as in “lack of resources was a barrier to implementation of the guidelines”)
  3. bOpen codes