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Table. 1 The FBOs leaders’ estimation of the readiness of the FBOs to implement the intervention

From: Implementation of a community-based low-calorie dietary intervention for the induction of type-2 diabetes and pre-diabetes remission: a feasibility study utilising a type 2 hybrid design

Domains of readiness

Assessment question

Leadership engagement

1. Do you have teaching sessions on health-related issues?

2. Which health-related issues have been taught in the last year?

3. Does your place of worship have an ongoing programme for persons living with diabetes?

4. Does your place of worship have an ongoing programme to reduce risk factors for diabetes? E.g. health eating, active lifestyle (Emphasis here on prevention)

5. Does your congregation have any plans for implementing new, or improving on existing health-related activities?

6. Do you see a need for a diabetes health promotion and prevention programme within your congregation?

Available resources

(physical space)

1. Do you have a small, enclosed room where the CHA can see members in private?

2. Do you have resources and facilities for secure and organised record keeping?

3. Do you have resources and facilities for cooking classes?

Available resources

(human resources)

1. Does your congregation have someone who oversees health-related matters?

2. Does he/she have any formal qualifications for the position? E.g. health professional / work experience in the medical field

3. Are any (other) of your congregation members trained in health?