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Table 1 RE-AIM constructs of reach and adoption, data sources, variables, and primary findings

From: Integrating social determinants of health screening and referral during routine emergency department care: evaluation of reach and implementation challenges


Data source


Key findings



Number of screenings/number of screenings completed with needs indicated

46.9% indicated having > one social needs

211 Resource Specialist Database

Number of patients with needs/number referred to 211; number referred/number contacted and referred to agencies by 211

34.2% with needs who desired referrals

20.3% referred reached for community-based services



Reasons given by staff for not screening a patient

36% of approaches were not screened

43% due to patient refusal

16% too sick/trauma

Patient Engagement Studio

Patient-identified benefits of, and barriers to, social needs screening and referral processes

Potential embarrassment

“Would I answer? Yes, Maybe, No”

Need for sincerity

“I need to know YOU before I answer.”

“I need to feel the person cares.”


“These questions make me vulnerable.”

“I wouldn’t want these in my permanent record.”

Staff observation

Barriers and facilitators of screening during patient encounters

Use of professional “intuition” to decide who to screen

Decisions not to screen based on patient insurance or appearance, “profiling”

Screener as the “right” tool

Staff make the screen [their] own.

Perceptions of usefulness

It is about the staff trusting that the information is useful.

Staff interviews

Provider-identified benefits of, and barriers to, social needs screening and referral process