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Table 1 Summary of data collection methods and domains

From: A mixed-methods study of multi-level factors influencing mammography overuse among an older ethnically diverse screening population: implications for de-implementation


Data source

Ex. item(s)

Knowledge of mammography screening guidelines

Patient surveys

How often do you think you need to get a mammogram?

Provider interview

What guidelines or clinical recommendations do you follow when recommending for or against mammography screening?

Attitudes/beliefs towards mammography screening

Patient survey

If I get a mammogram and nothing is found, I do not worry as much about breast cancer.

It is important for me to plan to have a yearly mammogram.

Patient interview

Can you tell me why you get mammograms?

In general, how would you describe your experiences of getting mammograms?

Provider interview

What are your perceptions of the utility of (breast cancer screening) guidelines in clinical practice?

How do you feel about recommending mammography screening for women in their 70s? 80s?

Communication around mammography screening

Patient survey

Have you ever had a conversation with a doctor/family/friend about whether you should stop screening mammography?

Provider interview

Tell me about how/whether you discuss mammogram screening with your patients?

Shared decision-making

Patient survey

When you have to make a decision about your health, how often do you consult family, friends, neighbors, or caregivers?

Please tell us if you strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree with the following statements. My doctor/family members decide when I should be screened for health problems.

Patient interviews

How do you make the decision to get a mammogram?

Provider interviews

What factors influence whether you discuss/refer for mammography screening among your patients?

Mammography screening process

Patient survey

Within the past 12 months, has a doctor or other healthcare provider recommended that you have a mammogram?

Within the past 12 months, have you received a letter, phone call, or email reminding you to make an appointment for a mammogram?

Patient interviews

Can you take me through the process of how you came to get your mammogram?

Provider interviews

Tell me about the process you use for referring/recommending patients for mammograms either in the patient/provider appointment or at a system level (e.g., in-person, letter, other)?

Healthcare/screening overuse

Patient interviews

Have you ever heard or thought about the issue of getting too much healthcare? Please tell me about your thoughts.

In your opinion, what are some of the reasons or motivations for doctors to order too many screening tests or medical services? Are there other reasons that you think contribute to patients receiving too much screening or medical services?

Provider interviews

What are your perceptions of potential over-screening or over-use of mammography among certain groups?

Potential de-implementation strategies

Provider interviews

What are ways that providers or systems could better support patients in being adherent to mammography screening guidelines?