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Table 3 Facilitator coaching sub-theme exemplary quotes

From: A peek behind the curtain: exploring coaching styles within the implementation and sustainment facilitation (ISF) strategy in the substance abuse treatment to HIV care study

Facilitator sub-theme

Exemplary quotes by ISF preparation phase

Asking questions

Any thoughts or questions as you look at this logic model? Does it make sense? Does it fit for you? What do you think? (Preparation)

So one question to any of you who might have a sense of this, in terms of the screeners, the folks who are additionally brought on to do the part one screening, do you feel like they are confident and comfortable in relation to doing it? (Implementation)

What do you think might your goals be for this, kind of this sustainability phase? … If we think realistically, what do you think, in terms of trying to maintain some of the work that you have done with this project? … What might our goals be? (Sustainment)

Capacity for independent action

As you guys start doing this, you can be thinking about how it’s all going to flow together, and we can make the adjustment to make sure that it will flow together as well as possible. (Preparation)

I think it [MIBI] could be a useful tool to keep kind of staying dialed into some of these factors that you guys are pointing out and as we are talking about today in terms of good implementation and sustain. But that will be up to you … if you want to do that. (Implementation)

The idea is, you know, the research has shown that if you have people to continue to do exactly the best practice, they are more likely to sustain it in the longer term. So we are encouraging people to do kind of the whole, complete best practice as we have taught it to you and as you have learned it and done so well with. (Sustainment)

Providing direction

Facilitating and enhance focus of the goals on this SAT2HIV project, so what I’m going to be there to do is to kind of keep you focused on those. You know, what are we trying to do? Where are we trying to go with this stuff? (Preparation)

‘Okay, the guy is out in the waiting room. Let me just take ten minutes and say let me go read the quick summary on pros and cons [of the MIBI] … or the quick summary on developing discrepancies, … just five minutes before I sit down with the person (Implementation).

And whatever that screening question is [it] is important to fit in there and make sure that it’s appropriate and doable and effective across all the people who are going to be delivering it in the outreach sector and other situations, right (Sustainment)

Suggesting options

A client is going to come in for their six-month appointment or maybe their new intake assessment, and [staff] the BI, the part one only staff, is going to screen them and he finds that they are eligible. How is he going to, [as a strategy] how am I going to let [counselor] know that I have this client who wants to participate in the study? [Preparation]

Maybe …. what would be a good, feasible plan … [is] for you to consciously try to improve for the next couple of BI sessions that you do? Like … whether it be rehearsing it with each other, the group coaching calls, something else, what makes you [comfortable]. (Implementation)

We could kind of explore some of that territory, explore kind of how this is working within your program, as an ongoing process for you to continue to implement what you are doing. (Sustainment)

Supportive action or provides support

Here’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to have [research team leader] just shoot [an e-mail], because he’s happy to do this, and it will probably make it easier for you (Preparation)

I’m trying to do my best to support the process with you so that we can keep the folks flowing, getting the part ones and then the randomized and then doing as many of the part twos as you can (Implementation)

I’m willing and able and interested in continuing to touch base with you and other team members to talk about how the MI stuff is influencing your work, how you can sustain these skills that you have developed (Sustainment)