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Table 3 User barriers and enablers

From: Barriers and enablers to implementing and using clinical decision support systems for chronic diseases: a qualitative systematic review and meta-aggregation




Synthesised finding

User barriers

Lack of awareness (n = 2)

Not aware or does not see a need for tool

Providers experienced user barriers where awareness or need for the tool was limited, where the imposition of external authority through the CDS was unwelcome, and where users were resistant to technology

Did not see a need

Providers hesitant

Perceived external authority

Users feeling marked down by an external authority

Being marked down

High-frequency overriders

Resistance to technology

Lack of trust or familiarity with technology

AI does not understand their jobs

User enablers

Skill expansion (n = 2)

Perceived usefulness to expand skills

Providers experienced user enablers where CDS was seen as useful for skill expansion, where they felt confident with use of the tool following appropriate training and individual follow-up

Usefulness (n = 2)

User satisfaction

Introductory training

Receiving initial and follow-up training

Following up session

Performance feedback


Familiarity with tool
