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Table 2 The inner setting and intervention characteristics that impacted HTC and the use of SAIA, assessed through interviews guided by CFIR constructs

From: Qualitative evaluation of the Systems Analysis and Improvement Approach as a strategy to increase HIV testing in family planning clinics using the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research and the Implementation Outcomes Framework

CFIR domain

Constructs and sub-constructs



Inner setting impact on HTC

Structural characteristics

None noted

Participants had mixed availability of resources to promote privacy during HTC, but none identified this as a barrier to HTC

Networks and communication


Most clinics had regular meetings and other informal communication channels, allowing for strong communication

Implementation climate

Tension for change


Facilitator: Clinics largely identified a need for HTC and reported that they embrace change

Barrier: Some clinics did not believe HTC needed to be improved, and felt that the time need to make change was a barrier

Relative priority


Facilitator: Some clinics reported that HTC was a high priority

Barrier: At some clinics, HTC was not identified as one of their top priorities

Goals and feedback


Clinics reported clear goal setting, both internally and from the DOHS. Clinics reported clear methods of tracking progress

Learning climate


Facilitator: Some clinics noted group-consensus problem-solving, which empowered staff to be involved in solution generation

Barrier: Other clinics described top-down approaches, which may take more time to effect change

Readiness for implementation

Leadership engagement


Facilitator: DOHS support and resources were an important facilitator for all clinics

Barrier: Clinics had mixed leadership engagement internally. Low engagement impacted ability to obtain necessary resources and enact change in some facilities

Available resources


Facilitator: Free provision of HIV testing kits by DOHS allowed most clinics to have all necessary resources

Barrier: Clinics that were not able to obtain test kits noted this as crucial barrier to successful HTC

SAIA intervention characteristics


None noted

No clinics reported adapting SAIA



All responding clinics reported SAIA to be easy to learn and implement

Design quality and packaging


All clinics approved of the SAIA design, and the training and training materials were cited as particularly useful

  1. Abbreviations: HTC HIV testing and counseling, DOHS Department of Health Services, SAIA systems analysis and implementation approach