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Table 1 Clinic staff survey rating means (and standard deviations) by survey wave (pre- vs. 6 months post-implementation)

From: Electronic health record closed-loop referral (“eReferral”) to a state tobacco quitline: a retrospective case study of primary care implementation challenges and adaptations

Survey items (rated on a scale of 1 = strongly disagree, to 7 = strongly agree)

Pre (N = 150)

Post (N = 113)

1. Addressing tobacco use with patients is very important to me

5.93 (1.28)

6.31 (0.97)*

2. Very few patients will stop using tobacco even with treatment

3.95 (1.60)

4.24 (1.53)

3. My clinic supports me in my attempts to address my patients’ tobacco use

5.93 (1.23)

6.15 (1.01)

4. I have enough time to address my patients’ tobacco use

4.43 (1.76)

4.96 (1.63)*

5. I know what to do to address my patients’ tobacco use

5.37 (1.44)

5.95 (1.06)*

6. I feel that I am part of a good healthcare team that is working well together

6.16 (1.00)

6.23 (1.03)

7. Patients seem to welcome my efforts to address their tobacco use with them

4.33 (1.55)

4.76 (1.44)*

8. The steps I need to take to address my patients’ tobacco use are efficient and well designed

4.72 (1.43)

5.45 (1.22)*

9. The EHR helps me address my patients’ tobacco use

5.07 (1.47)

5.74 (0.95)*

10. I often get feedback on whether my patients got tobacco treatment if they wanted it

3.29 (1.60)

4.12 (1.72)*

11. The Wisconsin Tobacco Quit Line is an effective aid to my patients who want to quit

4.59 (1.49)

5.20 (1.38)*

12. I understand how to refer my patients to the Wisconsin Tobacco Quitline

4.62 (1.94)

6.31 (0.84)*

13. The method to refer patients to the Wisconsin Tobacco Quitline is easy

4.97 (1.54)

5.98 (1.12)*

14. The method to refer patients to the Wisconsin Tobacco Quitline is effective

4.58 (1.49)

5.40 (1.20)*

15. I regularly receive feedback regarding the outcome of the patients I refer to the Wisconsin Tobacco Quitline

2.68 (1.48)

4.21 (1.73)*

  1. *Effect of survey wave significant at p < .05