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Table 2 Modified-Delphi process

From: Prenatal oral health guidelines: a theory- and practice-informed approach to survey development using a modified-Delphi technique and cognitive interviews


Item stem

Response options

Construct presentation and example

Number of constructs presented in survey round

Consensus definition

Round 1

Please indicate how important you believe each factor may be in influencing whether prenatal/oral health providers implement the guidelines into their daily clinical practice by selecting one of the response options for each factor.

Five-point Likert scale: Not at all important, not very important, neutral, important, very important

Construct definition

Intervention source: individuals’ perception about whether the guidelines are externally or internally developed.


Greater than or equal to 70% of participant responses falling within two consecutive categories on the Likert scale (e.g., not at all important or not very important, and important or very important).

Round 2

How strong of an impact do you think each of the following factors will have on whether providers implement the prenatal oral health guidelines into their daily clinical practice?

Four-point scale: no impact, weak impact, moderate impact, strong impact.

Translated construct with context

Whether the guidelines are externally (e.g., ACOG, ADA) or internally (e.g., within your clinic) developed.


Moderate to strong impact, a mean ranking greater than or equal to 2.0.

Round 3

Same as Round 2

Same as Round 2

Same as Round 2

17 (only those with no consensus or mixed results from Round 2)

Same as Round 2