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Table 1 Recommended changes to intake and case management forms

From: Planning for implementation and sustainability of a community-based suicide surveillance system in a Native American community

Intake form

Case management form

Add question to assess current living arrangements/housing status

Add question: “Do you attend traditional ceremonies?”

Gender: Add answer choice of “Other: ________”

Add question to learn how client prefers to get information about suicide prevention and resources

Add question to learn if client is a parent or caregiver

Add answer choice of “meth” to method(s) used options

Education: Add school client attends

Add question to learn if there is a peer or mentor the person feels comfortable talking with. Collect name and contact information of that person.

Type of self-harming behavior: Add answer choice of “opioid use”, “experimental drug use”, “substance use”

What was the reason for your act: Add answer choices of: “past experiences of trauma (unreported)”, “past experiences of inflicting trauma or pain on someone else”, “guilt from previous choices”, “meth”, “break-up”

Method: Add answer choice of “train”, remove answer choice of “jump”

Add question: “How are you administering these drugs?” with answer choices: “pills”, “injection”, and “smoking”

Add question to learn if there was a triggering event preceding the attempt

Add question “Did you blackout?” to section assessing binge substance use

Add name of person who made report.

Add question about how the reporter learned about CL

Modify referral agencies listed to Fort Peck Reservation services


Add questions to assess past meth and inhalant use


Add question: “Do you know anyone who has attempted suicide in your lifetime?” If yes, “How many people?” and “What was the relationship?”


Add prompts of: “How many people?” and “What was the relationship?” to the question “Do you know anyone who has died by suicide in your lifetime?”


Add question: “Have you lost a loved one in the past 6 months?”


Change question from “Have you ever experienced domestic violence (verbal or physical abuse)? to “Have you ever been hit, kicked, slapped, or punched?”


Add question: “Have you ever been the perpetrator of abuse?”


Add question: “Have you ever seen your parent be slapped, hit, kicked, or punched? If yes, how many times?”


Add questions about sexual activity, consent, rape, and miscarriage