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Table 1 Outcome measures and indicators to be monitored and improved

From: A continuous quality improvement strategy to strengthen screening practices and facilitate the routine use of intravenous iron for treating anaemia in pregnant and postpartum women in Nigeria: a study protocol

Tanahashi model domain

IVON-IS outcome measure

Operational definition

Preventive/promotive care

Existing management procedures

FCM treatment

Availability coverage

Trained human resource availability

The proportion of target health workers at each site who have been trained on the screening and other preventive care protocols for antepartum and postpartum anaemia (including health education and nutrition)

The proportion of target health workers at each site who have been trained on the screening and management protocols for antepartum and postpartum anaemia (including preventive, promotive, diagnostic, and treatment)

The proportion of target health workers at each site who have been trained in administering FCM. These health workers are from health facilities that have not yet been exposed to training or implementation of IV FCM.

Accessibility coverage

Service accessibility

The proportion of women attending antenatal and postnatal clinics who were offered screening and promotive care

The proportion of women diagnosed with anaemia who were prescribed treatment for anaemia

The proportion of women eligible to receive the IV FCM for pregnancy and/or postpartum anaemia who were offered the infusion.

Acceptability coverage


The proportion of eligible women who were screened and who utilised other promotive care provided

The proportion of eligible women who used the prescribed treatment option

The proportion of women eligible to receive the IV FCM for pregnancy and/or postpartum anaemia who consented to receive the infusion

Contact coverage

Service utilisation

Same with acceptability

Same with acceptability

The proportion of women eligible to receive the IV FCM for pregnancy and/or postpartum anaemia who were administered the infusion irrespective of the protocols.

Effective/quality coveragea

Implementation fidelity

The proportion of eligible women screened for anaemia who adhered to the post-screening plan (e.g. referral for treatment of diagnosed anaemia or prescribed nutritional supplements)

The proportion of women with anaemia who used the treatment option according to the prescribed plan (e.g. dose/duration)

The proportion of women eligible to receive the IV FCM for pregnancy and/or postpartum anaemia who were administered the infusion according to the protocols.

  1. aPrimary outcome of DIVA