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Table 5 Barriers and facilitators of reporting of research translation and/or impact activities on the CV based on open-ended question (qualitative)

From: Reporting health research translation and impact in the curriculum vitae: a survey

Factors influencing reporting research translation and/or impact activities on CVs



Extent that researchers had access to resources supporting them in reporting research translation and/or impact activities



Extent that researchers had time to report research translation and/or impact activities



Researchers lacked the knowledge, awareness, skills to report research translation and/or impact



Perception that organization, employers, funders, and/or colleagues do not support or value reporting research translation and/or impact activities



Concern that others will think reporting research translation and/or impact activities is an attempt to inflate achievement



Valid and reliable metrics and indicators of research translation and/or impact activities are lacking



Space constraints on the CV limits reporting of research translation and/or impact activities



Extent that researchers thought training would help them in reporting research translation and/or impact activities



Extent that researchers thought a template that included research translation and/or impact activities would help their reporting



Perception that adding research translation and/or impact activities to the CV would be easy



Awards related to research translation and/or impact activities



Positive attitudes about including research translation and/or impact activities



Unstructured and/or non-academic CVs



If it was common practice (social norm)



If it was reinforced by others






  1. B barrier, F facilitator