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Table 1 Example of i-PARIHS Facilitation Checklist questions

From: Interactive workshop to develop implementation framework (i-PARIHS) resources to support practice facilitation

i-PARIHS Facilitation Checklist questions

Characteristics of the innovation

 Who is likely to be affected by the proposed innovation?

 What is the underlying evidence for the proposed innovation or change?

 Is the evidence packaged in an accessible and useable form (e.g. a clinical guideline, care pathway, or algorithm)?

 How much novelty does the evidence introduce?

 Does it offer advantages over the current way of doing things

 Is there potential to test out/pilot the introduction of the evidence/innovation on a small scale in the first instance?

The recipients of the evidence/innovation

 Do individual members of the team want to apply the change?

 Do they perceive the proposed change as valuable and worthwhile?