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Table 2 CPG implementation facilitators: top five prioritized themes categorized by implementation strategy18 with NGT item examples

From: Facilitators and barriers to clinical practice guideline-consistent supportive care at pediatric oncology institutions: a Children’s Oncology Group study

Facilitator theme

Examples of NGT items

1. Organizational factors

 Develop stakeholder interrelationships

Networking with others outside own institution

Collaboration between and across disciplines

Commitment to strive for best practice

 Convene teams

Dedicated team members to pediatric oncology

Strong physician CPG champion

Designated person as implementation planner

Inclusion of all involved in guideline-related care

 Utilize financial strategies

Adequate resources and time available

 Practice facilitation

CPGs are considered trustworthy as they are COG-endorsed

 Support practitioners

Commitment/advocacy from physician leadership

 Change infrastructure

Regular meetings to discuss CPGs

 Train and educate stakeholders

Formal presentation at staff meetings

2. Individual factors

 Develop stakeholder interrelationships

Eagerness/willingness for consensus toward implementation/use

 Convene teams

Goal of best patient care

 Engage consumers

Family buy-in

 Provide interactive assistance

Mentoring and education available among team members

 Use evaluative and interactive strategies

Good patient outcomes encourage CPG

 Support practitioners

Hospital/institution (upper management) supportive of change

   Change infrastructure

Consistent practitioner

 Train and educate stakeholders

Knowing the evidence to support the CPG

Mentoring among team members

3. User needs/values

 Develop stakeholder interrelationships

Commitment/advocacy from physician leadership

 Convene teams

Buy-in/engagement of all staff

 Provide interactive assistance

Mentorship within discipline

 Change infrastructure

Designated interdisciplinary committee to discuss and adopt guideline

4. System factors

 Develop stakeholder interrelationships

Patient-centered care—safety-focused

 Convene teams

Supportive staff

 Utilize financial strategies

Network that provides financial and administrative support (for example NCORP)

 Engage consumers

Education to families/materials

 Provide interactive assistance

EMR integration: standardized order sets, hard stops, prompting

 Use evaluative and interactive strategies

Organized systematic approach to implementation

 Support practitioners

Interdisciplinary functional team—good and open communication

 Change infrastructure

Staff huddles

 Train and educate stakeholders

Multidisciplinary rounds

5. Implementation: strategies

 Develop stakeholder interrelationships

Science-based approach

 Practice facilitation

Peer pressure

 Provide interactive assistance

Embedded in COG protocols with links

 Use evaluative and interactive strategies


 Support practitioners

Visible signs/reminders

E-mail alerts regarding new CPG or updates

 Change infrastructure

Negative reinforcement/monitoring board

 Train and educate stakeholders

External continuing education

Journal club to share practice change

Regular tumor boards