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Table 2 Overview of CLABSI program timeline and outcome results

From: Implementation of a central-line bundle: a qualitative study of three clinical units

CLABSI program timeline





Hospital joined safety network, formed steering committee, attended network education sessions, and conducted extensive corporate communications regarding initiative.

CLABSI outcome data submission to network initiated (ICUs only)


CLABSI education and unit-based auditing initiated (three ICUs only), began collection of outcomes data by unit.

Performance relative to external comparators and change in outcomes over time was variable across ICUs


CLABSI education and unit-based auditing spread hospital-wide. Outcome data available for all units.

Performance relative to comparators and change over time was variable among units (Pediatric ICU, Neonatal ICU, and Cardiac ICU, general medical, surgical, and specialty units)


Hospital-wide 1 year 10% non-MBI CLABSI reduction goal, and three-year 30% HAC reduction goal (including CLABSI) established.

New central HAC audit team created to increase audit reliability hospital-wide. Audits performed by both central team and unit-based leaders.

CLABSI oversight committee created and leadership rounding initiated.

Hospital level goals not achieved (variable changes in outcomes across units)


Expanded hospital CLABSI committees to include additional CLABSI physician group, passive disinfecting caps implemented, mandatory unit-leadership Aseptic Non-Touch Technique (ANTT) sessions completed and ANTT e-learning module delivered to all unit-based nurses.

Hospital-wide 10% non-MBI CLABSI reduction goal exceeded


Continued 2019 interventions and spread of in-person, unit-based ANTT education sessions.

Sustained rate of improvement, resulting in a 30% reduction in total CLABSI hospital-wide (using statistical process control, centreline shifted from 1.9 to 1.3 CLABSI per 1000 line days)