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Table 5 Sustainability scores from stakeholders using the NHS Sustainability Model and Clinical Sustainability Assessment Tool (CSAT)

From: Sustainment of proactive physical therapy for individuals with early-stage Parkinson’s disease: a quality improvement study over 4 years

Scale and factor/domain

Average rating (range)

Staff and stakeholders

 NHS: clinical leadership engagement


 NHS: staff involvement and training to sustain the process

8.6/11.4 (0–11.4)

 NHS: senior leadership engagement

8.2/15 (5.7–15)

 NHS: staff behaviors toward sustaining the change

6.6/11 (5.1–11)

 CSAT: engaged staff and leadership

6.5/7 (6.0–7.0)

 CSAT: engaged stakeholders

6.3/7 (5.6–7.0)


 NHS: fit with the organization's strategic aims and culture


 NHS: infrastructure for sustainability

4.5/9.5 (0–9.5)

 CSAT: organizational readiness

5.9/7 (4.6–6.6)

Process and outcomes

 NHS: credibility of the benefits

7.7/9.1 (6.3–9.1)

 NHS: effectiveness of the system to monitor progress

4.7/6.5 (2.4–6.5)

 NHS: adaptability of improved process

4.3/7 (3.4–7)

 NHS: benefits beyond helping patients

4.5/8.5 (0–8.5)

 CSAT: outcomes and Effectiveness

6.5/7 (5.8–7.0)

 CSAT: implementation and training

6.0/7 (4.8–7.0)

 CSAT: workflow integration

5.9/7 (4.4–7.0)

 CSAT: monitoring and evaluation

5.7/7 (4.4–7.0)