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Table 2 Sample interview guide questions

From: Implementation of a diabetes prevention program within two community sites: a qualitative assessment


Interview questions

Staff interviews

Tell me about your overall experience as a trainer for SSBC.

How has the SSBC been running at your YMCA so far?

In what way has the program implementation met your expectations and/or needs?

What challenges have you experienced?

How do you believe you have been impacted by being a SSBC trainer?

What recommendations do you have for adapting the current program?

What do you like about the SSBC?

Focus group

Tell me about how the SSBC has been implemented at your site so far?

Do you feel that your team has all the necessary support in place to run the program at the YMCA?

How satisfied are you with the program at your site?

What recommendations do you have for adapting the current program to better fit within the YMCA?

What has been working well/not working well related to implementing the program?

In what way have you noticed that the YMCA has been impacted by having the SSBC at your site?

Now that we have been implementing the program for 6 months, what do you think could have been better from the beginning?