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Table 1 CFIR constructs

From: Protocol for evaluating external facilitation as a strategy to nationally implement a novel stigma reduction training tool for healthcare providers

Intervention characteristics

Relative advantage: How does the intervention compare to other similar existing programs in your setting or to other alternatives that may have been considered? Is there another intervention that people would rather implement?

Design and quality packaging: What is your perception of the quality of the supporting materials, packaging, and bundling of the intervention for implementation?

1. What supports, such as online resources, marketing materials or a toolkit, are available to help you implement and use the intervention? How will available materials affect implementation in your setting?

Inner setting

Culture: How would you describe the culture of your organization? Of your own setting or unit? How do you think your organization’s culture (general beliefs, values, assumptions that people embrace) will affect the implementation of the intervention? To what extent are new ideas embraced and used to make improvements in your organization

Implementation climate: What is the general level of receptivity in your organization to implementing the intervention?

Tension for change: Is there a strong need for this intervention? How essential is this intervention to meet the needs of the individuals served by your organization or other organizational goals and objectives? How do people feel about current programs/practices/process that are available related to the intervention?

Compatibility: How well does the intervention fit with your values and norms and the values and norms within the organization? How well does the intervention fit with existing work processes and practices in your setting? Can you describe how the intervention will be integrated into current processes? Will the intervention replace or compliment a current program or process?

Relative priority: Describe activities or initiatives that (appear to) have highest priority for you (for the organization).

Implementation success outcomes

Executing: Has the intervention been implemented according to the implementation plan? Why or why not?

External facilitation: Was the external facilitator approachable? In what ways and to what extent was the external facilitator available to you (e.g., set office hours, on call, available by phone, email, text, other?) Were these modes of communication sufficient? Would in-person facilitation have been preferred? Why or why not? How often did you solicit external facilitation support? How often was it offered without solicitation? Should it have been offered more or less frequently? Why or why not?

Self-efficacy: How confident are you that you will be able to successfully implement (post-implementation: were you able to successfully implement) the intervention? Why? How confident do you think your colleagues feel about using the knowledge they will gain (post-implementation: gained) from the intervention?