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Table 1 Theoretical application within the study and operational definitions/measures for implementation outcomes

From: Developing an implementation research logic model: using a multiple case study design to establish a worked exemplar


Application to research study

Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR)

The CFIR is applied in this study to identify and describe the determinants that influenced implementation at each site. The semi-structured interview guide was developed with reference to the CFIR interview building tool. During data analysis, each CFIR construct was established as a code and as examples were identified, they were indexed to the relevant determinant.

Expert Recommendations for Implementing Change (ERIC)

The ERIC taxonomy is applied in the study to develop consistent descriptions of the actions undertaken at each case site used to facilitate implementation. The ERIC—discrete implementation strategy compilation with ancillary material (Additional file 6)—provided a reference tool that aided data collection and interpretation of data sources. During data analysis, each ERIC strategy was applied as a code. As examples were identified, they were indexed to the relevant ERIC strategy.

Implementation outcomes framework

The Implementation Outcomes Framework defines 8 implementation outcomes, of which this study focused on 4: acceptability, fidelity, penetration, and sustainability. Each implementation outcome was operationalized and a measure defined which guided data collection (see below). During data analysis each implementation outcome was established as a code and as examples were identified, they were indexed to the relevant implementation outcome.

Operational definition for implementation outcome



How is exercise EBI perceived in the organization?

Direct question


Comparison of exercise EBI protocol with what is delivered as measured by dose/amount and quality of program delivery



Sessions/duration per week

Total program delivered versus intended amount (dose delivered)

Attendance rates (dose received)

Evidence of training to support delivery


Measured at the service level (reach) and at the organizational system level (policies/procedures that evidence the EBI)


System level penetration

Number of people who use the service versus total population

Evidence of job descriptions, budget, and strategic plans that reference the exercise EBI


Evidence of continued health benefit, program components and evolution overtime

Health benefits

Program components


Process exits to measure health benefits in patients

Survey (PSAT)

Survey (PSAT)

  1. EBI evidence-based intervention, PSAT Program Sustainability Assessment Tool, CFIR Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research, ERIC Expert Recommendations for Implementing Change