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Table 2 Idaho department of health and welfare: description of baseline assessment checklist to promote colorectal, breast, and cervical cancer screening

From: Improving the efficiency of integrated cancer screening delivery across multiple cancers: case studies from Idaho, Rhode Island, and Nebraska


Examples of components included

Policies and Processes

Screening rate is known at each site; colorectal, breast, and cervical cancer screening policies follow national guidelines

Provider Assessment & Feedback

Whether provider assessment and feedback rates are derived via electronic health records; whether reports are discussed with providers

Patient Reminders

Whether patient reminders are done through electronic health records; whether reminders are used for cancer screenings

Provider Reminders

How often providers are reminded to discuss screening with their patients; how they are reminded

Reducing Structural Barriers

Whether specific patient barriers (e.g., access to transportation, service delivery hours, knowledge and understanding of steps of screening tests) are addressed and documented