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Table 1 Summary of aggregated perceptual differences on the ILS and ICS by unit (N = 22)

From: Perceptual differences in nursing implementation leadership and climate: a cross-sectional study


Crude difference (staff minus manager)

M (SD)

Crude difference spread

Max, Min

Manager score

M (SD)

Staff score

M (SD)


Implementation Leadership Scale (ILS)

 Total scale

0.22 (0.73)

.970, −1.95

2.77 (0.40)

2.79 (0.52)


  Proactive leadership

0.27 (.890)

1.55, −1.61

2.30 (0.65)

2.57 (0.50)


  Knowledgeable leadership

0.33 (0.77)*

1.59, −1.87

2.57 (0.50)

2.90 (0.54)


  Supportive leadership

−0.29 (0.78)*

0.89, −2.20

3.27 (0.51)

2.97 (0.49)


  Perseverant leadership

−0.19 (0.99)

1.00, −2.13

2.93 (0.43)

2.74 (0.56)


Implementation Climate Scale (ICS)

 Total scale

−0.06 (0.85)

2.10, −0.98

2.22 (0.65)

2.16 (0.43)


  Focus on EBP

−0.07 (1.02)

1.27, −2.60

2.66 (0.81)

2.58 (0.43)


  Educational support for EBP

−0.08 (1.17)

1.92, −2.57

2.28 (0.86)

2.20 (0.46)


  Recognition for EBP

0.07 (1.10)

1.61, −2.06

2.24 (0.84)

2.31 (0.42)


  Rewards for EBP

0.23 (1.01)

1.67, −2.57

1.09 (0.98)

1.32 (0.54)


  Selection for EBP

0.15 (1.09)

2.25, −2.26

2.01 (0.86)

2.16 (0.49)


  Selection for openness

−0.29 (0.84)

1.06, −2.27

2.71 (0.69)

2.41 (0.46)


  1. Cronbach’s alpha total scale: staff ILS = .998, manager ILS = .746, staff ICS = .963, manager ICS = .887
  2. EBP evidence-based practice, r bivariate zero order correlation
  3. *=p<.05 on one-tailed significance test