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Table 1 Implementation strategies

From: Study protocol for an economic evaluation and budget impact of implementation strategies to support routine provision of antenatal care for gestational weight gain: a stepped-wedge cluster trial

Implementation strategy

Component details: A full description of component details has been published elsewhere [31]


Leadership and management

• Monthly meetings will be held with management from maternity services to elicit support

• Service managers will be asked to distribute resources to staff and attend training sessions

• Monitoring and reporting of performance measures related to the intervention

Intervention duration only

Local clinical practice guidelines

• A service-level guideline and procedure document will detail the recommended GWG care, including assessment, brief advice, and local referral pathways

• This document will be uploaded onto the health service’s policy directory, disseminated by managers to all staff via email, and hard copies will be placed in staff common areas

Intervention duration and retained after the trial

Prompts and reminders

• Physical point-of-care prompts including stickers in the antenatal care record, and a clinic room flip chart, will be provided to prompt recommended care delivery

Intervention duration and retained after the trial

Local opinion leaders/champions

• Project-specific clinical midwife educators (CMEs) appointed to support staff to uptake the guidelines and provide support at a one-on-one, team, and service level

• Additional local antenatal clinical leaders will be engaged to provide encouragement and demonstrate required behaviours as required

Intervention duration only

Educational meetings and materials

• Multi-mode (online and face-to-face) training will be provided to clinicians in each maternity service, facilitated by the CMEs. The staff will participate in 1–2 h of training during the intervention period. This will include lecture-style sessions, interactive sessions, case study-based sessions, and/or one-on-one sessions

• Clinicians will be provided with written educational materials (hardcopy and electronic) to support the delivery of care

• Provision of scales and stadiometers (including bags for transportation) to services as needed

Intervention duration and some retained after the trial

Care delivery monitoring and feedback (including academic detailing)

• Data from both medical records and telephone surveys conducted with women who attended the antenatal services will be used to provide feedback on adherence to the agreed GWG pathway

• Service managers will be supported to set care delivery goals, monitor progress, and develop action plans in response to feedback

• Antenatal service managers will report, interpret, and monitor performance measures for GWG best practice

• These results will be disseminated to maternity service staff through team meetings, emails, and other usual communication mechanisms

• Performance measures will be built into the existing monitoring and accountability frameworks for maternity services

Intervention duration and some retained after the trial