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Table 2 Conceptual framework used for SAIA-SCALE data analysis, across two intervention waves in Mozambique, 2018–2020

From: Assessing drivers of implementing “Scaling-up the Systems Analysis and Improvement Approach” for Prevention of Mother-to-Child HIV Transmission in Mozambique (SAIA-SCALE) over implementation waves

CFIR domains

Constructs and subconstructs

Intervention characteristics

Intervention source

Relative advantage


Outer setting

Peer pressure

External policy and incentives

Needs and resources of those servedb

Inner setting

Structural characteristics

Available resourcesb

Networks and communications

Compatibility (subconstruct of implementation climate)

Relative priority (subconstruct of implementation climate)

Access to knowledge and information (subconstruct of readiness for implementation)

Leadership engagement (subconstruct of readiness for implementation)b

Characteristics of individuals

Knowledge and beliefs about the intervention




Innovation participants (subconstruct of engaging)


Linkages among intervention componentsa

  1. CFIR - Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research
  2. aConstruct is not original to CFIR but is based on the investigators’ experience using CFIR
  3. bConceptual entities added during data analysis, not initially prioritized by study investigators