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Table 4 Quotes from participants corresponding with high and low survey scores

From: Formative evaluation prior to implementation of a brief treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder in primary care

Survey rating

Clinician type


Treatment plans for PTSD to meet patient needs

Knowledge and training for identifying trauma and PTSD; treatments systematically meet the needs of patients

 High ICS Scores


“When we [IBH] go through the psychiatric review of symptoms, I always ask in the intake, ‘is there a traumatic event that you witnessed that is still upsetting you today?’”

 Low ICS scores

Primary care

“I think one of the challenges is that I don’t find that my colleagues in primary care are particularly trauma-literate, so I really believe that we have to do some more education for other staff in our clinic.”

Primary care

“I have to say, my familiarity with PTSD is not as strong.”

Support for evidence-based practices

Training, workshops, or materials about applying EBT for treatment; positive attitudes and champions for evidence based practice within clinics; integration between primary care and IBH

 High LIM scores

Primary care

“I think the community health workers would be very enthusiastic about it [manualized PTSD therapy].”

 Low LIM scores


“I think that we [IBH] are very siloed out in family medicine, kind of out of people’s radar.”

Primary care

“Much of the energy has been focused on meeting what we [primary care] have to do…to deliver [PTSD] program[s] in the eyes of [state insurance programs]. There’s a tremendous amount of work left to be done, like optimizing care and delivery.”

  1. PTSD Posttraumatic stress disorder, IBH Integrated behavioral health, ICS Implementation climate scale [44], LIM Levels of integration measure [45], EBT Evidence-based treatment. Joint display that relates categorical survey results from ICS and LIM to quotes from primary care and IBH stakeholders