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Table 3 Main themes and sub-themes

From: Exploring communication and implementation challenges of the HIV/AIDS policy change to test-and-treat-all in selected public health facilities in Lusaka District, Zambia

Main theme



1.Communication strategy of the HIV/AIDS policy change to test-and-treat-all

•National HIV/AIDS Strategic Framework and its role in policy change communication

•Providers lack awareness of the framework

•Communication channels of HIV policy change to test-and-treat-all

•Formal and informal notification of health providers regarding HIV policy change to test-and-treat-all

•The role of the media (digital and print) in communicating the HIV policy change to test-and-treat-all to the public and health providers

2.Implementation challenges of the HIV/AIDS policy change to test-and-treat-all

•Top-down stakeholder engagement in test-and-treat-all policy change

•Limited healthcare worker training for implementation of test-and-treat all policy change

•Inadequate materials and resources to support test-and-treat-all policy change

•Limited financing of test-and-treat-all policy change


•Acceptability of the test-and-treat-all policy change

•Positive perception of the potential benefits of HIV policy change to test-and-treat-all among providers

•Limited sense of ownership of HIV/AIDS policy change to-test and-treat all among providers

•HIV patient’s resistance of policy change to test-and-treat-all

•Unintended consequences of the HIV/AIDs policy change to test-and-treat-all

•Increased demand for human resources in health facilities

•Changes in work schedules

•Increased working hours

•Infrastructure adjustment to accommodate expanded HIV services