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Fig. 2 | Implementation Science Communications

Fig. 2

From: Ready, set, go! The role of organizational readiness to predict adoption of a family caregiver training program using the Rogers’ diffusion of innovation theory

Fig. 2

Adopter categories by program launch date for Caregivers FIRST, adopter categories are driven by Rogers’ distribution, based on launch date between 1/1/2021 and 9/30/2021. Of the sites who adopted between 1/1/2021 and 9/30/2021 (n = 51 sites): late adopters + laggards defined as launch between 6/15/2021 and 9/30/2021. These sites represent 51% of launchers (n = 26 sites). Innovators + early adopters + early majority defined as launch between 1/1/2021 and 6/14/2021. These sites represent the first 50% of launchers (n = 25 sites). Innovators + early adopters defined as launch between 1/1/2021 and 4/7/2021. These sites represent the first 16% of launchers (n = 8 sites)

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