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Table 1 VAMC characteristics overall and by adoption status

From: Ready, set, go! The role of organizational readiness to predict adoption of a family caregiver training program using the Rogers’ diffusion of innovation theory


Total (n = 63)

Non-adopters (n = 12)

Adopters (n = 51)

Adopter sub-categories

Late adopters + laggardsa (n = 26)

Innovators + early adopters + early majorityb (n = 25)

Innovators + early adoptersc (n = 8)

Organizational readiness, median (IQR)

 ORIC change commitment

4.40 (1.60)

4.50 (1.2)

4.40 (1.60)

3.90 (1.60)

4.60 (1.00)

4.90 (1.40)

 ORIC change efficacy

3.71 (0.86)

3.79 (0.79)

3.71 (1.00)

3.71 (1.00)

3.85 (0.71)

4.43 (1.07)

Facility complexity level, n (%)

 1—high complexity

29 (46)

5 (42)

24 (47)

12 (46)

12 (48)

3 (38)

 2—medium complexity

16 (25)

2 (17)

14 (27)

6 (23)

8 (32)

3 (38)

 3–low complexityd

18 (28)

4 (33)

13 (25)

8 (31)

5 (20)

2 (25)

CSP staff, median (IQR)

 Total staffing

9 (4)

10 (8)

9 (4)

9 (4)

9 (2)

8 (5)

CSP unique applications, median (IQR)

339 (388)

292 (510)

341 (381)

372 (393)

315 (245)

320 (195)

Geographic region, n (%)


8 (13)

1 (8)

7 (14)

5 (19)

2 (8)

1 (13)


17 (27)

2 (17)

15 (29)

8 (31)

7 (28)

2 (25)


15 (24)

5 (42)

10 (20)

2 (8)

8 (32)

4 (50)


23 (37)

4 (33)

19 (37)

11 (42)

8 (32)

1 (13)

Rural facility, n (%)

7 (11)

2 (17)

5 (10)

2 (8)

3 (12)

1 (13)

  1. aDefined as launch after 6/14/2021. These sites represent the second 50% of launchers (n = 26 sites)
  2. bDefined as launch between 1/1/2021 and 6/14/2021, inclusive. These sites represent the first 50% of launchers (n = 25 sites)
  3. cDefined as launch between 1/1/2021 and 4/7/2021, inclusive. These sites represent the first 16% of launchers (n = 8 sites)
  4. dIncludes one site in the “non-adopter” category that was excluded from a facility rating because it did not classify as having a rating