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Table 3 Organizational characteristics and adoption status by responding eligible sites and non-responding eligible sites

From: Ready, set, go! The role of organizational readiness to predict adoption of a family caregiver training program using the Rogers’ diffusion of innovation theory


Total eligiblea (n = 116)

Survey sample (n = 63)

Not included in survey sample (n = 53)

Adoption status FY21, n (%)


91 (78)

51 (81)

40 (75)

 Did not adopt or missingb

25 (22)

12 (19)

13 (25)

Facility complexity level, n (%)

 1—high complexity

63 (54)

29 (46)

34 (64)

 2—medium complexity

22 (19)

16 (25)

6 (11)

 3—low complexityd

31 (27)

18 (28)

13 (25)

CSP staff, median

 Total staffing




CSP unique applications, median




Geographic region, n (%)


23 (20)

8 (13)

15 (28)


28 (24)

17 (27)

11 (21)


24 (21)

15 (24)

9 (17)


41 (35)

23 (37)

18 (34)

Rural facility, n (%)

12 (10)

7 (11)

5 (9)

  1. aSites not eligible included n = 8 Function QUERI 1.0 sites and n = 18 Whole Health sites. Sites not included in the survey sample are eligible sites that did not respond to the survey
  2. bIn fiscal year (FY) 21, sites self-reported their Caregivers FIRST launch date and left missing if they either did not adopt or did not report their launch date