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Table 3 Five steps for implementing rapid-cycle evaluation feedback using implementation report cards in pediatric surgery (adapted from Zakocs et al.)

From: A mixed-method approach to generate and deliver rapid-cycle evaluation feedback: lessons learned from a multicenter implementation trial in pediatric surgery



1. Clarify intent and action plan

• Identify team members at the coordinating center who will be involved in the rapid-cycle feedback process

• Ensure that pediatric surgery clinical team members are included in each step

• As a team, discuss the purpose and align on the protocol to generate and deliver rapid-cycle feedback

• Draft a 1-page implementation report card template and discuss what fields this should include

• Align on who the target audience is for report cards (e.g., center implementation teams) and what they should ultimately take away from a completed report card

2. Collect “good enough data”

• List key questions that should be addressed in data collection, keeping the implementation report card fields in mind

• Identify low-cost data collection strategies and describe who will do what in a timely manner (Data collected through existing programmatic channels are preferred)

• Collect data quickly and with detailed notetaking

3. Engage in team-based evaluation and discussion

• As a team, interpret each center’s data quickly as it is collected (e.g., using team-based discussion and/or targeted review of data and notes) within 1 week of data collection

• Engage in a reflective discussion with team about findings that should be highlighted in implementation report card. Center discussion around three questions:

• What are we learning about this pediatric surgery center’s efforts to implement the intervention? (What?)

• For this center, what are the likely implications of our findings? (So what?)

• What actions are required to improve implementation moving forward? (What now?)

• Results should be certain enough for center implementation teams to make decisions about adjustments to their implementation efforts

4. Develop implementation report card as a team

• As data for each center is collected/interpreted, draft a center-specific implementation report card that highlights the major findings only (leave out the details)

• Ensure the report card is visually appealing (e.g., using color, pictures, and graphics)

• Share completed implementation report card with other team members within the coordinating center for internal review before it is final

5. Share report cards directly with respective centers

• Distribute the final version of the implementation report card via email within 10 days after data have been collected

• Share report cards directly with each pediatric surgery center’s implementation team, including the site PI