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Table 4 Examples of codings for the most common clusters and implementation strategies

From: Mapping implementation strategies of evidence-based interventions for three preselected phenomena in people with dementia—a scoping review

Most common descripted clusters and implementation strategies

Example of coding

Adapt and tailor to context

 Tailor strategies

“EIT allows for differences between communities and encourages tailoring of the implementation process, in contrast to an explanatory trial in which strict adherence to the intervention protocol is maintained” [78]

 Promote adaptability

“The usual training for the STAR-VA program requires two half-day sessions and then four individualized sessions. This would not be a viable plan at the project site. Five monthly sessions were then planned for 30 to 40 min in length, to fit into the workflow of the day.” [62]

 Use data experts

“Completed hard copies were entered into SurveyMonkey™ by ACI staff” [67]

Train and educate stakeholders

 Conduct ongoing training

“Working together, these individuals enact the triad of components of EIT-4-BPSD, which include: (1) participatory implementation via a combination of in-person monthly meetings, weekly emails, and phone interactions between stakeholders and a research facilitator as they develop community goals and work toward achieving those goals…” [78]

 Provide ongoing consultation

“Fortnightly teleconferences with the site clinical leads were facilitated by the CHOPs project officer. These provided regular mentoring support and the opportunity for clinical leads to report on their progress and share their experiences and solutions throughout the implementation” [67]

 Develop educational materials

“The DNP student provided resource binders containing additional resources on BPSD from the nursing home toolkit website. Binders were placed at each nursing station.” [59]

 Make training dynamic

“…conducting education sessions, providing bedside teaching and role-modeling best practices, sourcing resources and maintaining records” [69]

 Distribute educational materials

“The nurses were also given pocket cards for sleep hygiene, the MMSE, and the CAM.” [66]

 Use train the trainer strategies

“For the PCC intervention, we employed a train-the-trainer-staff coaching model and engaged staff champions to cocreate and disseminate PCC knowledge among work teams” [61]

 Conduct educational meetings

“The Facilitator CogChamps undertook a very active role in working with the other CogChamps to assist them in making progress with their action plans. They provided direct support by conducting education sessions, providing bedside teaching and role-modeling best practices, sourcing resources and maintaining records” [69]

 Work with educational institutions

“…workshop sessions and facilitated e-learning through the NSW Dementia Competency and Training Network” [67]

Develop stakeholder interrelationships

 Identify and prepare champions

“For the PCC intervention, we employed a train-the-trainer-staff coaching model and engaged staff champions to cocreate and disseminate PCC knowledge among work teams”[61]

 Use advisory boards and workgroups

“The purpose of the committee is to provide support and guidance regarding the project’s implementation” [68]

 Use an implementation advisor

“Evidence Integration Triangle for Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia was implemented by the research nurse facilitator working with the internal champion and stakeholders using the 4-step approach…” [79]

Use evaluative and iterative strategies

 Audit and provide feedback

“Members of the research team assisted the Cog-Champs in implementing their action plans by meeting with one or more CogChamp(s) from each ward weekly (face to face and email) to assess progress, provide feedback, and support them over the five-month implementation phase” [69]

 Develop a formal implementation blueprint

“…a project implementation plan written…” [67]

 Assess for readiness

“In phase 1, organizational readiness was assessed,…” [72]