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Table 2 Characteristics of hypertensive PLHIV at baseline (N = 3892)

From: Using the RE-AIM framework to evaluate the implementation and effectiveness of a WHO HEARTS-based intervention to integrate the management of hypertension into HIV care in Uganda: a process evaluation


Patients not enrolled in the cohort (n = 2759)

Patients enrolled in the cohort (n = 1133)


Age in years, mean (SD)

44.7 (10.2)

50.2 (9.6)

< 0.001

Age categories, count (%)


157 (5.7)

15 (1.3)



753 (27.3)

144 (12.7)


1013 (36.7)

400 (35.3)

 50 and older

836 (30.3)

574 (50.7)

Gender, count (%)


1084 (39.3)

427 (37.7)



1675 (60.7)

706 (62.3)

Baseline BP in mmHg, mean (SD)


143.0 (15.2)

154.2 (20.8)

< 0.001


92.6 (9.3)

97.8 (13.3)

< 0.001

Baseline BMI, count (%) (n = 3730)

 Underweight (< 19.0)

254 (9.2)

62 (5.5)

< 0.001

 Normal weight (19.0 to < 25.0)

1258 (45.6)

392 (34.6)

 Overweight (25.0 to < 30.0)

739 (26.8)

376 (33.2)

 Obese (> 30.0)

508 (18.4)

303 (26.7)

Baseline CD4 category, count (%)

 < 50

353 (12.8)

127 (11.2)

< 0.001

 50 to < 100

207 (7.5)

70 (6.2)

 100 to < 200

359 (13.0)

213 (18.8)

 ≥ 200

1840 (66.7)

723 (63.8)

Baseline ART regimen, count (%) (n = 3878)


930 (33.7)

480 (42.4)

< 0.001


331 (12.0)

211 (18.6)


212 (7.7)

110 (9.7)


974 (35.3)

268 (23.7)


312 (11.3)

64 (5.6)

ART duration (years)

 < 2 years

568 (20.6%)

51 (4.5%)

< 0.001

 2–5 years

748 (27.1%)

239 (21.1%)

 5–10 years

1179 (42.7%)

539 (47.6%)

 > 10 years

264 (9.6%)

304 (26.8%)

  1. BMI body mass index, ART antiretroviral therapy, BP blood pressure, TDF tenofovir, 3TC lamivudine, DTG dolutegravir, ABC abacavir, EFV efavirenz