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Table 4 Comparison of hypertension and HIV outcomes at baseline and 21 months among patients enrolled in integrated hypertension/HIV care

From: Using the RE-AIM framework to evaluate the implementation and effectiveness of a WHO HEARTS-based intervention to integrate the management of hypertension into HIV care in Uganda: a process evaluation

Outcome variable

Baseline (N = 1133)

21 months (N = 1133)


Mean systolic BP, mmHg (± SD)

153.2 ± 21.4

129.2 ± 15.2

< 0.001

Mean diastolic BP, mmHg (± SD)

98.5 ± 13.5

85.1 ± 9.7

< 0.001

Patients with controlled hypertension, N (%)

102 (9.0)

820 (72.4)

< 0.001

Patients with controlled HIV (%)

1125 (99.3)

1127 (99.5)


  1. SD standard deviation, BP blood pressure