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Table 3 Mapping ERIC strategies onto core strategies of contraceptive access initiatives

From: A stakeholder-developed logic model to improve utilization of pharmacy-prescribed contraception in Utah

Core strategies of contraceptive access initiatives

ERIC recommended strategies emerging from focus groups

Training and education for healthcare teams

Create a learning collaborative

Conduct educational meetings

Work with educational institutions

Shadow other experts

Ongoing technical assistance

Centralize technical assistance


Provision of low-/no-cost contraception to clients

Alter patient/consumer fees

Grants for equipment and supplies

Public awareness campaign

Start a dissemination organization

Quality improvement/data monitoring and evaluation

Conduct local needs assessment

Assess for readiness and identify barriers and facilitators

Multistakeholder partnerships with public/private entities

Identify and prepare champions

Build a coalition

Conduct local consensus discussions

Capture and share local knowledge

Inform local opinion leaders

Identify and prepare champions

Policy change to improve access to contraception

Alter incentive/allowance structures

Place innovation on fee for service lists/formularies

Revise professional roles

Unmatched strategies

Promote adaptability

Develop disincentives

Create new clinical teams

Change record systems