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Table 2 Previously published teledermatology RE-AIM-based implementation outcomes, adapted from Peracca et al. 2019 [13]

From: Implementation evaluation of a teledermatology virtual clinic at an academic medical center

RE-AIM domain

Domain definition

Outcomes assessed in the current study

Patient and Provider Reacha

Degree to which patients and providers are impacted

- Number of teledermatology patients by various characteristics

- Percent of dermatology encounters

- Number of completed teledermatology consults

- Number of teledermatology consults

- Number of providers trained

Effectiveness and Process Measures

Ability of program to change patient-centric outcomes with quality of care

- Improvements in patient health outcomes

- Diagnostic and management concordance

- Consult/appointment completion times/wait times and no-shows

- Dermatologic skill level of PCPs

- Quality of life

- Costs

- Patient/provider satisfaction


Degree to which program is used by end-users

- Stages of Implementation Completion

- Understanding link between institutional readiness for change and adoption

- Percent of PCPs and dermatologists using teledermatology

- Extent to which clinics are implementing a program by understanding administrative landscape, staffing, and training needs


Degree to which program is implemented as planned

- Determination of detailed barriers to and facilitators of implementation

- Understanding link between individual and institutional readiness for change and successful implementation

- Whether the teledermatology process is aligned with guidelines

- Assess different stakeholder perspectives


Can program be sustained over time?

- Examination of program implementation over time including assessment of long-term funding, collaboration and commitment between leadership, staff, and the community

- Assessment of program responsivity such as addressing workflow and access to technology

- Assess program results (e.g., change in number of teledermatology consults/encounters over time)

- Identification of training programs to ensure staff involvement and integration, and to address staff attrition

  1. Outcomes in bold were considered by our study
  2. aWhile some of these outcomes may be considered Adoption outcomes, we chose to retain the original classifications in the framework published by Peracca et al