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Table 4 Associations of telehealth preferences with limited English proficiency status in unadjusted and multivariable adjusted models

From: Adapting Connect for Health pediatric weight management program for telehealth in response to the COVID-19 pandemic


Unadjusted models

Fully adjusted modelsa


OR (95% CI)

Office visits are better than virtual visits for ensuring my child’s health concern can be taken care of during the visit

3.93 (2.14, 7.21)

2.91 (1.36, 6.21)

Office visits are better than virtual visits for feeling comfortable sharing private or personal information

5.61 (3.03, 10.40)

3.91 (1.82, 8.43)

Office visits are better than virtual visits for talking to my child’s doctor about healthy behaviors and setting goals

3.69 (1.99, 6.83)

3.09 (1.39, 6.90)

Office visits are better than virtual visits for talking to my child’s doctor about my child’s mental health and overall well-being

4.85 (2.63, 8.96)

4.02 (1.83, 8.87)

  1. Referent group = parents without limited English proficiency
  2. OR Odds ratio, CI Confidence interval
  3. aModels adjusted for education, visit mode, and child age