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Table 5 Clinician telehealth survey results (n = 75)

From: Adapting Connect for Health pediatric weight management program for telehealth in response to the COVID-19 pandemic

Visit information

n (%)

How many virtual visits have you had in the last 3 months? (n = 74)


1 (1.4)

 1 to 10

6 (8.1)

 11 to 50

22 (29.7)

 50 + 

45 (60.8)

Proportion of patient panel with limited English proficiency (n = 73)


45 (61.6)


14 (19.2)


7 (9.6)


4 (5.5)


3 (4.1)

Proportion of patient panel with limited technological/digital literacy (n = 74)


2 (2.7)


37 (50.0)


21 (28.4)


8 (10.8)


6 (8.1)

Effect on interaction for virtual visits

 Are the following barriers to providing pediatric weight management virtually?

  Obtaining a height and weight (n = 68)

  Strong barrier

29 (42.6)

  Somewhat of a barrier

32 (47.1)

  Not a barrier

7 (10.3)

 Conducting a physical exam (n = 66)

  Strong barrier

39 (59.1)

  Somewhat of a barrier

23 (34.8)

  Not a barrier

4 (6.1)

 Ordering labs (n = 67)

  Strong barrier

6 (9.0)

  Somewhat of a barrier

13 (19.4)

  Not a barrier

48 (71.6)

 Providing educational materials (n = 68)

  Strong barrier

7 (10.3)

  Somewhat of a barrier

29 (42.6)

  Not a barrier

32 (47.1)

 Identifying unmet needs and connecting families to local resources (n = 68)

  Strong barrier

2 (2.9)

  Somewhat of a barrier

18 (26.5)

  Not a barrier

48 (70.6)

 Patients’ access to Internet (n = 68)

  Strong barrier

19 (27.9)

  Somewhat of a barrier

36 (52.9)

  Not a barrier

13 (19.1)

 Patients’ privacy and security (n = 68)

  Strong barrier

3 (4.4)

  Somewhat of a barrier

24 (35.3)

  Not a barrier

41 (60.3)

 Patients’ technical issues to using virtual visit video platforms (n = 68)

  Strong barrier

22 (32.4)

  Somewhat of a barrier

44 (64.7)

  Not a barrier

2 (2.9)

 Using medical interpreter services during virtual visits (n = 68)

  Strong barrier

21 (30.9)

  Somewhat of a barrier

29 (42.6)

  Not a barrier

18 (26.5)

Usefulness of pediatric weight management virtual visits

 Enough time in a virtual visit to provide necessary care to my patients (n = 67)

  Strongly agree

36 (53.7)

  Somewhat agree

26 (38.8)

  Somewhat disagree

3 (4.5)

  Strongly disagree

2 (3.0)

 Virtual visits are a valuable tool to enhance pediatric weight management for new patients (n = 68)

  Strongly agree

22 (32.4)

  Somewhat agree

19 (27.9)

  Somewhat disagree

23 (33.8)

  Strongly disagree

4 (5.9)

 Virtual visits are an effective replacement for follow-up visits with my established patients (n = 68)

  Strongly agree

27 (39.7)

  Somewhat agree

29 (42.6)

  Somewhat disagree

12 (17.6)

 Virtual visits would be missed if option was no longer available (n = 68)

  Strongly agree

42 (61.8)

  Somewhat agree

14 (20.6)

  Somewhat disagree

9 (13.2)

  Strongly disagree

3 (4.4)

 Virtual visits improve a patient’s access to healthcare services (n = 68)

  Strongly agree

47 (69.1)

  Somewhat agree

19 (27.9)

  Somewhat disagree

2 (2.9)

Resources to improve quality of virtual visits

 How helpful are the following resources for pediatric weight management virtual visits?

  Guidance on best practices for weight management virtual visits (n = 67)

   Very helpful

34 (50.7)

   Guidance on best practices for weight management virtual visits (Somewhat helpful

31 (46.3)

   Not at all helpful/not needed

2 (3.0)

  Additional tools in the electronic health record to streamline workflow (n = 67)

   Very helpful

20 (29.9)

   Somewhat helpful

31 (46.3)

   Not at all helpful/not needed

16 (23.9)

  Virtual visit resources and tip sheets to provide to patients and families (n = 67)

   Very helpful

37 (55.2)

   Somewhat helpful

27 (40.3)

   Not at all helpful/not needed

3 (4.5)

  Guidance on best practices for interpreter services for virtual visits (n = 67)

   Very helpful

25 (37.3)

   Somewhat helpful

27 (40.3)

   Not at all helpful/not needed

15 (22.4)

  Improved communication tools to deliver information to families (n = 66)

   Very helpful

40 (60.6)

   Somewhat helpful

23 (34.8)

   Not at all helpful/not needed

3 (4.5)

  Resources to address patient accessibility issues (n = 67)

   Very helpful

49 (73.1)

   Somewhat helpful

16 (23.9)

   Not all helpful/not needed

2 (3.0)