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Table 2 Overview of variables for retrospective observational cohort study (phase 1) and interrupted time series (phase 3)

From: Study protocol for a nationwide implementation of internet-based vestibular rehabilitation for patients with chronic vestibular symptoms (I-RECOVER)




Patient characteristics


In years at time of registration ICPC code for vestibular symptoms



Male or female


Diagnosed vestibular disorder

According to ICPC code (see Table 1)



According to the following ICPC codes: K86 (Hypertension uncomplicated), K87 (Hypertension complicated), K83 (Heart valve disease), K84 (Heart disease other), K75 (Acute myocardial infarction), K76 (Ischaemic heart disease without angina), T90 (Diabetes), K89 (Transient cerebral ischaemia), K90 (Stroke/cerebrovascular accident), P74 (Anxiety disorder/anxiety state), P76 (Depressive disorder), A49.02 (Polypharmacy)

General practice characteristics

Registered patients

Total number of patients registered at practice per year and total number of adult patients (aged 18 years and over) registered at practice per year


Employed general practitioners

Total number of general practitioners per year with patients registered to their name


Degree of urbanisation

Based on 4-digit postal code: not/hardly urbanised (< 1.000 surrounding addresses), moderately urbanised (1.000–1.500 surrounding addresses), strongly urbanised (1.500–2.500 surrounding addresses), and extremely urbanised (> 2.500 surrounding addresses)


Date of registration ICPC code for vestibular symptoms



Date of registration and deregistration at general practice



Referral for vestibular rehabilitationa

As described in electronic patient record


Prescription for anti-vertigo drug

According to the ATC code (see Table 1)


Date of prescription



Referrals to physiotherapist, ENT specialist, neurologist, and/or geriatriciana

As described in electronic patient record


GP consultations

Total number of GP consultations (all types of consultations, including telephone consultations and home visits) per patient per year for vestibular symptoms

  1. aOnly applicable to interrupted time series
  2. ATC code Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical code, GP general practitioner, ICPC code International Classification of Primary Care code