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Table 3 Information on intervention to be implemented: Vertigo Training

From: Study protocol for a nationwide implementation of internet-based vestibular rehabilitation for patients with chronic vestibular symptoms (I-RECOVER)

Vertigo Training is a freely accessible internet-based intervention that contains six exercises. These six exercises include eye, head, and body movements that aim to stimulate vestibular compensation, a process in which the nervous system reorganises and is able to overcome damage of the vestibular system. In addition, a form of exposure-based behavioural therapy takes place by deliberately provoking vestibular symptoms in a controlled environment. The application prescribes a personal exercise regimen based on the severity of symptoms while performing the exercises. Patients are asked to perform the exercises twice a day for 10 min. The regimen lasts 6 weeks.

Patients can start with Vertigo Training on their own initiative, or they can be referred to the treatment by a healthcare provider. They can perform the exercises by themselves, but it is also possible to receive support from a healthcare provider, such as a physiotherapist. In the Netherlands, patients can access physiotherapy through self-referrals.

Patients are eligible for Vertigo Training if they are 18 years and older, if they have had vestibular symptoms for at least one month during most days of the week, and if these symptoms are provoked or exacerbated by head movements or visual stimuli.