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Table 4 Overview of variables for prospective observational cohort study

From: Study protocol for a nationwide implementation of internet-based vestibular rehabilitation for patients with chronic vestibular symptoms (I-RECOVER)




In years at time of start intervention


Male, female, other

Place of residence


Diagnosed vestibular disorder


Education level

Primary education, prevocational secondary education, senior general secondary education, pre-university education, senior secondary vocational education, higher vocational education and university education

Migration background

Yes (if at least one parent was born abroad) or no

Received medical care for vestibular symptoms

Yes (from general practitioner, medical doctor at hospital, medical doctor at other type of clinic, physiotherapist, and/or other healthcare provider) or no

Prescription for anti-vertigo drug in past

Yes or no

Vestibular symptoms

According to vertigo symptom scale-short form at baseline, 6 weeks, 3 months, and 6 months

Acquaintance with Vertigo Training

Through the patient association, the internet, a healthcare provider, friends, social media, and/or other ways