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Table 2 Measures and data sources for SMARTER CRC scale-up

From: Methods for scaling up an outreach intervention to increase colorectal cancer screening rates in rural areas



Data sources





ECHO endpoint

6-month post ECHO



Organizational-level participation; characteristics of participating organizations/staff; participant satisfaction with scale-up activities

N organizations/staff who attend (1) ECHO learning collaborative series (by session), (2) patient navigation workshop, (3) post-ECHO webinars; N organizations/staff who request technical assistance

Registration & attendance for ECHO learning collaborative series



Patient navigation workshop and webinars



Technical assistance requests



Participant objectives and satisfaction with the following: (1) the ECHO learning collaborative series, (2) patient navigation workshop, (3) post-ECHO webinars

Baseline ECHO series survey


ECHO series endpoint survey



Post patient navigation workshop survey



Post-webinar survey



Topics of participants’ questions during ECHO learning collaborative series, patient navigation workshop, post-ECHO webinars, and technical assistance

ECHO session observation notes


Technical assistance meeting notes



Key-informant interviews



Number, proportion, representativeness of settings/staff who implement program, by program component: (1) mailed FIT test and (2) patient navigation; reasons for adopting program

N, type of organization (health plan, clinic, other) and staff (care coordinator, navigator) that implement the program, by core component (“form”) (mailed FIT, patient navigation) or peripheral component to improve CRC screening, follow-up or referral to care (“function”)

6-month post-ECHO survey



Reason(s) for adopting program, by component; implementation strategies; program sustainability

6-month post-ECHO survey & key-informant interviews



How organizations modified CRC program components: (1) what program component or components were modified, (2) nature of the modification(s), and (3) reasons/rationale modification(s) were made

N, nature of program modifications, by program component

6-month post-ECHO survey


CSAT; PSAT; FRAME; Going to Full Scale

Key-informant interviews


Reason(s) modifications were made, by modification; implementation strategies; program sustainability

Key-informant interviews