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Table 3 Results from multilevel path models with paths from Implementation Climate Scale (ICS) to psychological determinants of intentions and from psychological determinants to intentions for the five caregiver coaching core components (i.e., feedback, collaboration, demonstration, reflection/problem solving, daily routines)

From: A mixed-methods evaluation of organization and individual factors influencing provider intentions to use caregiver coaching in community-based early intervention


Caregiver coaching core component





Reflection and problem solving

Daily routines


Effect (p)

Effect (p)

Effect (p)

Effect (p)

Effect (p)


  ICS → self-efficacy

.28 (< .001)

.05 (.74)

.23 (.001)

.13 (.12)

.18 (.04)

  ICS → attitudes

.63 (.03)

.20 (.39)

.45 (.02)

.22 (.36)

.57 (.50)

  ICS → descriptive norms

.19 (.11)

.24 (.12)

.24 (.053)

.14 (.27)

.26 (.90)

  ICS → injunctive norms

.34 (.004)

.23 (.08)

.21 (.003)

.23 (.02)

.31 (.78)


  Self-efficacy → intentions

.13 (.13)

.31 (.02)

.07 (.45)

.05 (.51)

.54 (< .001)

  Attitudes → intentions

.30 (< .001)

.22 (.007)

.26 (< .001)

.37 (< .001)

.21 (.002)

  Descriptive norms → intentions

.19 (.04)

.14 (.24)

.14 (.045)

.29 (.007)

.13 (.09)

  Injunctive norms → intentions

.10 (.44)

.32 (.04)

.33 (.01)

 − .02 (.82)

.39 (.006)

  1. Separate models were tested for each caregiver coaching core component (i.e., feedback, collaboration, demonstration, reflection, and problem solving, daily routines). Unstandardized coefficients are shown