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Table 4 Economic evaluation summary

From: Scaling-up and scaling-out the Systems Analysis and Improvement Approach to optimize the hypertension diagnosis and care cascade for HIV infected individuals (SCALE SAIA-HTN): a stepped-wedge cluster randomized trial


Societal and healthcare sector. The healthcare sector costs will include payer/provider costs as well as costs currently covered by the SAIA project budget that would be absorbed into the MOH budget at national scale-up.

Cost estimates

Costs of SCALE SAIA-HTN delivery, including medical costs relating to screening and treatment; emphasis on measuring the change in costs (time and quantity of resources consumed) after SAIA implementation

Data collection

1. SAIA budget reports (project costs)

2. Integrated time-motion and out-of-pocket cost survey (patient time, costs, and % of healthcare visit spent receiving hypertension care)

3. Provider survey (triangulate estimate of % of time spent providing hypertension care)

4. Facility costing tool (prices and context-specific overheads)

5. Patient registry (utilization of hypertension services)

6. Review of government data (e.g., provider salaries, supply chain costs)

Primary clinical outcomes

Impact on blood pressure and on the incidence of CVD, including fatal CVD; incremental cost-effectiveness ratios reported as the (1) cost per mmHg blood pressure reduction, (2) cost per patient optimally adherent; (3) cost per CVD death averted, and (4) cost per DALY averted


3% in the base case; varied from 0 to 6% in sensitivity analysis

Analytic time frame

10 years (2025–2034)