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Table 1 Approaches, models, and frameworks that help explain the mechanisms behind INSPIRE

From: Implementation of new technologies designed to improve cervical cancer screening and completion of care in low-resource settings: a case study from the Proyecto Precancer




Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR)


To classify barriers and facilitators to implementation in a multi-level, complex health system that surfaced during the INSPIRE methodology, allowing appropriate matching of implementation strategies to context and more generalizable reporting of results

RE-AIM (reach, effectiveness, adoption, implementation, maintenance) Framework


To assess the potential influences that INSPIRE had on CCSM practices throughout the MRIS health network

Systems thinking

Theoretical approach

To converge stakeholder mental models of complex health care systems involving multiple perspectives to facilitate shared decision making, action, reflection, and adaptation

Participatory Action Research

Action research approach

To encourage stakeholder engagement, co-learning, and co-production of knowledge

  1. scaling up: realist evaluation of HPV screen and treat strategy in Amazon basin of Peru