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Table 3 Examples of data coding and categorisation for the first two domains of the TDF

From: Identifying barriers and facilitators to primary care practitioners implementing health assessments for people with intellectual disability: a Theoretical Domains Framework-informed scoping review

TDF Domain

Example of extracted data coded to TDF domain and then categorised

Domain 1: Knowledge

Facilitator: ‘When asked to consider their experience with patients with ID, almost two-thirds of the participating GPs (61%) believed the health of these patients was worse than that of the general population’ [30].

Facilitator: ‘... the health assessment process was viewed by GPs as a means of improving knowledge and understanding of the wide range of health issues and needs experienced by people with ID’ [30].

Barrier: ‘[There was a] lack of awareness by GPs of the Medicare funded health assessments [for people with intellectual disability]’ [31].

Barrier: ‘GPs noted that they do not always label patients with ID with a specific ICPC code in the GP's medical system. The reasons given for this were that some GPs did not know this code...’ [32]

Domain 2: Skills

Facilitator: ‘... ongoing efforts are necessary to continually educate GPs to ensure that the health needs of people with learning disabilities are understood’ [33].

Barrier: ‘... [GPs] simultaneously reported having little practical knowledge of working with individuals with IDs’ [34].